PALABRAS Bee Gees "Words"

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Smile an everlasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me
Don't ever let me find you gone
'Cause that would bring a tear to me

This world has lost its glory
Let's start a brand new story now, my love
Right now, there'll be no other time
And I can show you how, my love

Talk in everlasting words
And dedicate them all to me
And I will give you all my life
I'm here if you should call to me

You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say

It's only words
And words are all I have
To take your heart away

You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say

It's only words
And words are all I have
To take your heart away

It's only words
And words are all I have
To take your heart away

It's only words
And words are all I have
To take your heart away


Sonríe una sonrisa eterna
Una sonrisa puede acercarte a mí
Nunca dejes que te encuentre fuera
Porque eso me traería una lágrima

Este mundo ha perdido su gloria
Empecemos una nueva historia ahora, mi amor
Ahora mismo no habrá otro momento
Y puedo mostrarte cómo, mi amor

Habla con palabras eternas
Y dedíquelos todos a mí
Y te daré toda mi vida
Estoy aquí si me llamas

¿Crees que ni siquiera quiero decir?
Una sola palabra que digo
Son sólo palabras, y las palabras son todo lo que tengo
Para quitarte el corazón

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